
What's at Stake?
Answer this question and your path becomes clear.
How do we find the GREEN LIGHT?
The search for the win-win.

What does the domain mean? Whatsatstake.io
To us, it’s the central question to ask when you have identified an issue that needs to be resolved. What’s at stake allow each of us to discover how deeply we need to consider changing our actions to get a different result. Simply put, the question allows us to gauge the true conviction of what actions we need to bring to our circumstance.
The .io designation is relatively new to the web and process control people will immediately see that it represents inputs and outputs. We believe that this is how we drive change at work and in life. Adjust an input and influence the output. The question (What’s at Stake) and the .io suffix is really just a formula, it just asks – why is it important and what are you willing to about it?
We all have RED lights at work, right? The only thing worse than an active flashing RED light is becoming complacent the sights and sounds it throws our way over time. It compels us to ask our favorite question.
How do we describe and measure the intensity of a RED light and what would happen if we could find a path to turn it to GREEN? In our experience, this often requires that we need to answer questions on our YELLOW lights, our constraints, so that we can find a path to define, test, and measure possible solutions.
The Operations Group, Inc. has a history of using our mechanical, financial, and process experiences to help work alongside of our customers and partners to solve all types of operational and revenue problems. It all starts with developing a shared and clear understanding of a need and reviewing what has been tried in the past.